The 3 Keys to Courage: Action, Self-Confidence & Letting Go

Uncover the keys to unwavering courage, vital for personal and professional growth

In the annals of history and epic tales, one resounding truth stands clear: nothing of significance, nothing that shapes the course of humanity, is ever achieved without courage. From the audacious mission of Chandrayaan 3, striving to unveil the mysteries of the cosmos, to Christopher Columbus' bold voyage that led to the discovery of the Americas, and even in the legendary sagas of the Mahabharata, courage is the common thread weaving through the fabric of these remarkable endeavors. In each of these narratives, courage is the key that unlocks the doors to uncharted territories, be they the depths of space, uncharted lands, or the complex realm of moral dilemmas. 

Take, for example, the Mahabharata, where the character Arjuna exemplified unwavering courage in the face of moral dilemmas and the battlefield's chaos. Join us on a journey to unearth the three fundamental keys that have consistently unlocked the gates to courage throughout history, empowering individuals to transcend boundaries and reach for the stars.

In the world of professional growth and personal development, we often emphasize the importance of courage. Whether it's embarking on a new job, launching a business, or assuming a leadership role, courage stands as a pivotal attribute. But where does courage genuinely originate?

Courage emanates from taking action

It isn't a quality that miraculously materializes one day; rather, it's a trait we nurture through our actions and experiences. It germinates when we step beyond our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. It flourishes when we confront challenges head-on and persevere in the face of adversity. Consider this: the first time you ventured into uncharted territory or attempted something new, you likely experienced a blend of excitement and fear, which is entirely normal. However, as you continued to take those steps and accumulated experiences while learning from successes and setbacks, something remarkable occurred – you grew more confident. You cultivated the courage to undertake even more challenging endeavors. It's akin to a muscle that strengthens with each use; the more you exercise it through action, the more courageous you become.

Courage arises from self-confidence, not predictability

Courage is not a byproduct of predictability or certainty; instead, it springs from self-confidence and self-assurance. In the face of life's unpredictable twists and turns, our belief in our own abilities and strengths empowers us to confront challenges directly. Trusting in ourselves grants us the courage to venture into the unknown, embrace change, and navigate through uncertainty. Unwavering self-confidence enables us to adapt, learn from failures, and persist even when the path ahead is unclear. While predictability may offer a sense of security, it is our reservoir of self-confidence that genuinely fuels our resilience and fearlessness, rendering us capable of conquering the unpredictable with unwavering determination. Everything in the material world is temporary, which makes it impossible to entirely predict our successes or failures. Thus, courage must stem from our steadfast belief in ourselves.

Courage is born from a willingness to explore without attachment to success

Attachment to specific results and an unwavering belief in the necessity of success often undermine our courage and lead us to play it safe. Fixating on a particular outcome and tethering our self-worth to its achievement inadvertently places immense pressure on us. This attachment can breed fear of failure, anxiety, and a reluctance to take risks. In our pursuit of success, we may become overly cautious, avoiding challenges and staying within our comfort zones, stifling our potential for growth and self-discovery. It's only when we release our attachment to a specific outcome and shift our focus to the journey, to the process of learning and personal growth, that we liberate ourselves from the chains of fear and self-doubt. By embracing the courage to explore, experiment, and adapt without fixating on success as the sole acceptable outcome, we open ourselves up to greater opportunities and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

    Lord Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, expounds on this concept in verse 2.47: "You have the right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty." 

    This verse underscores the importance of carrying out one's responsibilities with courage and intention, without being overly attached to the outcomes. It encourages individuals to focus on their actions and intentions rather than the results, promoting a sense of detachment from success or failure. When you can detach from both victory and defeat, you can truly embody courage. This teaching underscores the idea that courage and intention in fulfilling one's responsibilities are more important than the rewards or consequences that may follow.


    In the realm of personal and professional development, courage is the fuel that propels us to new heights. It's a quality that doesn't just appear out of thin air; it's nurtured and developed through our actions, experiences, and unwavering self-belief. As we step beyond our comfort zones, confront challenges head-on, and persevere through the unpredictable nature of life, our courage grows, much like a muscle strengthened with exercise. It's not about predictability or attachment to specific outcomes, but rather about having the self-confidence to embrace the unknown, adapt to change, and keep moving forward, regardless of the circumstances. Lord Krishna's wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita reminds us that courage is best cultivated when we focus on our actions and intentions, rather than being overly attached to the fruits of those actions. By letting go of the need for success, we can truly be courageous and unlock our full potential. So, remember, courage is not a distant concept; it's something you can cultivate and harness in your journey of self-discovery and growth.

      Categories: : Personal Growth