What is Similar & Different Between Empaths & Narcissists?

They both have the same problems, fighting the same inner vulnerabilities albeit in a different way

While narcissists and empaths may seem like opposite personalities, they actually share some common inner issues that need to be overcome. Both tend to have similar deep-seated emotional vulnerabilities that they may try to compensate for through their behaviors. Both act from a place of lack and inner inadequacy. Both are looking for something from the outside to make them feel loved and complete. They act out their inner difficulties in different ways- yet it remains that they have the same vulnerabilities that they need to overcome to heal.

What Makes Them Similar?

Their feelings of inadequacy

Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and seek constant external validation to feel better about themselves, yet they still feel inadequate inside. They may use others to feel powerful and in control, but ultimately, they are still dealing with their own inner insecurities.

Empaths, on the other hand, feel drawn to serve and help others, often at the expense of their own emotional well-being. They may derive a sense of self-worth from the validation they receive for their efforts, but may struggle with their own inner sense of inadequacy when they do not get it.

Narcissists may feel empty or inadequate inside, despite their outward confidence and self-importance. Narcissists compensate their inner feelings of inadequacy by seeking external validation and control. They may seek external validation, such as admiration, attention, and material possessions, to fill the void and boost their sense of self-worth.Their inflated sense of self-importance and superiority can also be a defense mechanism against feelings of inadequacy or shame However, this approach to finding fulfillment is often short-lived and ultimately unsatisfying, as their need for external validation can never be fully satisfied.

Empaths also feel empty or unfulfilled inside, but for different reasons. They seek validation and approval from others as a way of reaffirming their sense of purpose and worth.To achieve that they engage in acts of service, in compromising their own needs, giving away their boundaries - all this just so that somebody would know their true worth , can love them , care for them and appreciate them. However, this approach to finding fulfillment can also be unsustainable, as it may lead to burnout and exhaustion if the empath fails to prioritize their own self-care and boundaries.

Both have a deep-seated fear of feeling unloved, being vulnerable or rejected. Narcissists deal with it by engaging in manipulative and controlling behaviors. Empaths deal with the same fears by trying to be perfect in their behavior, work, duties and more - hoping they will be seen and appreciated. Both want to be seen and loved.

Both are seeking something outside of themselves to feel happy and fulfilled.They are both disconnected from themselves, unable to accept themselves, unable to love themselves, unable to connect with their divinity and the divine reservoir of love , the Lord Himself.

Both need to stop looking for validation, love and approval from the outside and learn how to give it to themselves. Both need to learn how to connect with their own selves, to be self partnered, to love and accept themselves and to connect with the divine reservoir of love, the Lord Himself.

What Makes Them Different?

Their ability to look within, to heal and grow! An empath can, a narcissist cannot

While both have the same areas of growth at the core, what makes an empath different from the narcissist is their ability to work on themselves and improve. With proper support an empath can heal and evolve.

However, a narcissist cannot because their defining traits of narcissism is a lack of insight and a reluctance to admit fault. For them to get help, means they have to admit they are imperfect in some way. They have a deep-seated sense of entitlement and their need to maintain their self-image as superior and infallible. Admitting fault would require them to acknowledge that they are not perfect and that their actions may have hurt others, which would be a blow to their ego and sense of self-importance. In addition, their lack of empathy and ability to tune out other people's perspectives can make it difficult for them to truly understand the impact of their behavior on others, further reinforcing their belief that they are faultless. All of these factors contribute to the difficulty that narcissists face in admitting fault and taking responsibility for their actions.

Empaths are often more capable of admitting their shortcomings
 because they tend to be more in tune with their own emotions and the emotions of others. They have a greater capacity for empathy and self-reflection, which can make it easier for them to recognize when they have made a mistake or hurt someone. In addition, empaths tend to be more open to feedback and constructive criticism, and are often willing to take responsibility for their actions in order to maintain positive relationships with others.

Moreover, empaths may have a more humble approach to life and interactions with others. They may view themselves as equals to others and may be more willing to recognize their own shortcomings and areas for growth. This can make it easier for them to admit fault and take steps to work on themselves in becoming self partnered. However, it's important to note that not all empaths are the same, and some may still struggle with admitting fault or taking responsibility for their actions. Like all personality traits, empathy exists on a spectrum, and individuals may display varying levels of empathy depending on a variety of factors.

Get Coaching to Become an Evolved Empath

If you're seeking to heal from narcissistic abuse, overcome your vulnerability and and regain your confidence and sense of validation, consider joining our EASE coaching program. Our program offers one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and courses for coaching and healing. Many individuals have successfully healed and returned to their potential through our program, reducing their susceptibility to toxic individuals.

Categories: : Narcissism, Personal Growth