Empowered Leadership: The Moses Method & Karma Yoga

This blog explores the leadership qualities of Moses and their resonance with Nishkam Karma Yoga from the Bhagavad Gita.

Last month, I was watching a docuseries on Netflix - "Testament- The Story of Moses". It was my first introduction to knowing Moses, his life, and his contribution. It got me very interested and I started reading up more about him and also watched a few more documentaries about him. I understand that documentaries do not give a complete picture of his life and may be motivated by vested interests, but I still learned a lot about him and the difficult leadership position he was in.

Moses is revered as a prophet in both Judaism and Christianity. He is celebrated in Judaism for leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and receiving the Torah from God. In Christianity, Moses is seen as a precursor to Jesus Christ, and his role as a lawgiver and mediator is emphasized. Both traditions hold Moses in high regard for his pivotal role in their respective histories and faiths.

Moses' most important legacy is delivering his people, the Israelis from Egyptian slavery and bringing the Ten Commandments. He was the chosen one by God, fully guided by Him, but his path to leading his people was full of unfathomable difficulties.

Moses carrying the tablet of the 10 commandments

As we navigate our own paths in leadership, let's take a moment to draw inspiration from the timeless story of Moses. His journey was marked by challenges at every turn:

🔹 Personal Doubts: Moses grappled with doubts about his own leadership and worthiness, a relatable struggle for anyone in a position of responsibility. Yet, his resilience and faith ultimately guided him forward.

🔹 Divine Expectations: Like many leaders, Moses faced moments of uncertainty when divine intervention didn't align with his expectations. He had to remain perseverant with his faith and adaptable in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

🔹 Community Skepticism: Leading the Israelites wasn't without its challenges. Moses encountered doubt, skepticism, and resistance from his followers inspite of him being the chosen one by God.

🔹 Physical Trials: Beyond the interpersonal dynamics, Moses and his followers endured harsh conditions and natural obstacles on their journey to the Promised Land. Their resilience in the face of adversity speaks volumes about the power of determination and perseverance.

With many challenges, Moses finally was able to lead his people to the promised land, and yet he did not get entry into the promised land because of a certain error in his past.

Leadership attributes exhibited by Moses in his 40-year journey of leading his people:

The parting the Red Sea

Moses exhibited several attributes that helped him stay focused amidst the challenges he faced:

  1. Faith and Conviction: Moses had unwavering faith in God's plan and his own mission. This deep sense of conviction provided him with the clarity and determination needed to stay focused on his purpose, even in the face of uncertainty.
  2. Resilience: Despite encountering numerous obstacles and setbacks, Moses remained resilient. He didn't let failures or hardships deter him from his path but instead used them as opportunities for growth and learning.
  3. Patience: Leading the Israelites through the wilderness required immense patience. Moses understood the importance of perseverance and remained steadfast, even when progress seemed slow or obstacles seemed insurmountable.

By embodying these attributes, Moses was able to maintain focus and lead the Israelites towards their promised destination, inspiring countless generations with his example of steadfast leadership.

Parallels with Nishkama Karma Yoga from the Bhagavad Gita

Moses's leadership journey also reflects principles akin to Nishkama Karma Yoga, an essential aspect of Vedic wisdom. Nishkama Karma Yoga emphasizes selfless action in alignment with the Divine. Nishkama means without personal desire, karma means action and yoga means in connection with the divine.

In leading the Israelites, Moses exemplified this by focusing on his duty entrusted to him by God without being attached to the outcomes. It was a touchy journey with many difficulties but he remained steadfast in his commitments.

He understood that his role was to fulfill his responsibilities faithfully, leaving the results to a higher power. By embracing Nishkama Karma Yoga, Moses maintained a sense of inner peace and equanimity, even amidst the challenges and uncertainties he faced. His commitment to selfless service to God's plan and detachment from personal gain allowed him to stay focused on his mission with clarity and integrity, serving as a timeless example for leaders seeking to cultivate resilience and purpose-driven action.

Because of his commitment, he was empowered by the Lord in unparalleled ways. God invested in him the power to perform miracles to not only earn the trust of his people but to also lead his people to the promised land. Because of his selfless service- he was empowered by higher divine energies to lead his people.

Nishkama Karma Yoga in Modern Times

None of us are powerful leaders on our own. There are many factors in play that make us succcessful beyond our individual capacity, just like Moses. I have worked with various high performers who humbly realize that their successes were not by their own effort or their team's and they realized thee were some higher forces in play. They felt that their sincere strategic best efforts were not enough to bring the magnificent results I have detailed that in another article of mine on the Imposter Syndrome. I have talked about stories of sportspersons and their realization that divine powers in play that contribute to their success. I have also drawn from incidents in Indian history where great kings experienced the same. Hope you find some inspiration there.

Questions for you to ponder!!

Connecting like Moses, helps us Transcend our limited self and connect to a higher self and higher energies that empower us to do wonderful things that only few can imagine doing.

1) How can you as a leader, focused on doing the best for your team, your company and for yourself tap into these higher divine energies and find support for your beautiful purpose?

2) How can you align your purpose with the larger divine purpose and work in tandem with these energies?

3) What inspiration can you draw from Moses's resilience and faith in your own leadership?

4) What inspiration can you draw from similar stories from your culture?

5) What realizations can you draw from similar experiences from your own life?

I would love to hear corrections towards my understanding of Moses. I am by no means an expert- just someone who was very inspired by his story and did some reading around it.

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Categories: Leadership