Erase Painful Memories Now

Finding Relief from Painful Memories: The Power of Naming Your Feelings

In life, we all encounter painful memories that haunt us, affecting our well-being and hindering personal growth . These memories can arise from broken relationships, traumatic experiences, health issues, financial struggles, or other challenging situations. We try our best to escape , forget and distract ourselves but they only grow bigger and bigger the more we neglect them. 

Unhealed memories and emotions cause changes in our personality , irritability , anger , revenge due to which we are unable to perform at our best level . 

What Can We Do To Help Us? 

1. Learning How to Name Your Feelings.

Understanding the Power of Naming. When painful memories resurface, it is essential to connect with the associated emotions. Trying to connect to that incident and keep identifying and labeling the specific feelings we experienced during those difficult moments, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our emotional state. Just as knowing the name of a physical ailment helps guide appropriate treatment, naming our feelings allows us to take the necessary steps to address and heal them.

You can ask yourself -

  • What were the emotions I felt during that incident?
  • Did I feel scared, anxious, betrayed, angry, sad, or hurt?
  • Do I feel angry?


My mother fell ill last year, and it appeared to be a viral infection. Initially, it seemed like a cough or a cold, but her symptoms persisted for 25 days with a continuous fever. We were unsure of what was happening, so we conducted the COVID test, but it came back negative. We underwent several other tests, including those for malaria and dengue, but we couldn't pinpoint the cause. Finally, one of the doctors informed us that she had a new type of viral fever, which was known to cause prolonged fevers and weaken the body. The treatment protocol remained the same as for any other viral fever. 

The first 25 days were uncertain, until we could put a name to what she was going through. Once her illness was named we , new the steps to be taken ahead for her safety.

The same goes with our feelings, naming our feelings is the first step. 

2. Sit With Your Feelings and Memories.

When you are able to sit with your feelings, the painful memories that you have been through and truly connect with those feelings that come up, the feelings that have been sitting around within us for months or years , you will be able to name what exactly you are feeling.Allowing yourself to fully experience them.

3. Once You Name Them You Know What To Do With Them: 

By consistently naming and acknowledging our feelings, we gain clarity and a deeper understanding of ourselves. When we take the time to connect with our emotions, particularly the pain we have experienced, it opens a pathway to healing.

Connecting with ourselves on an emotional level means recognizing and labeling the specific emotions we are feeling. It involves going beyond a vague sense of discomfort or sadness and delving into the core of our experiences. When we can accurately identify and name our emotions, we become more attuned to our inner world and can better navigate the healing process.

Acknowledging our pain and giving it a name allows us to validate our own experiences. It validates the fact that we have been hurt and that our feelings are valid and worthy of attention. This validation is an important step towards healing, as it helps us recognise the impact of our experiences and gives us permission to process and heal from them.

4. Empathise With Yourself: 

Once you have connected with the pain and named your feelings, the next crucial step is to empathize with those emotions and treat yourself with love and kindness. This process of self-empathy and self-compassion is essential for your healing journey.

When you empathize with your feelings, you are acknowledging and validating the depth of your experiences. You are extending understanding and compassion to yourself, just as you would to a dear friend in need. This act of empathy helps create a safe and nurturing space within yourself, where you can fully explore and process your emotions without judgment or criticism.

At first, it may feel challenging to revisit and confront these emotions. It can be uncomfortable and even painful to replay past experiences and the associated feelings. However, by allowing yourself to fully feel, name, and empathize with what you are going through, you are providing yourself with the opportunity to heal and liberate yourself from the weight of those emotions.

5. Breathe!

As , simple as it sounds , once you empathise with your feelings and connect with yourself , all you need to do is just tap into where you feel these emotions being stagnant and release these emotions by the power of breath. Just breathing in relaxation and letting go of the thoughts , memories and feelings that no longer serve you , will put your mind and body to EASE!

Seeking Additional Support:

If you are seeking further guidance and support in your journey to heal from painful memories, there are resources available. Consider exploring holistic coaching programs that offer personalized one-on-one or group sessions. These programs integrate Eastern wisdom with Western psychology, providing a systematic and proven method for healing, growth, and self-empowerment. Additionally, you may be interested in a life coaching certification program, which equips individuals with the skills to help others using Eastern methods and Western psychology.

Check EASE Life Coaching Academy where they offer one-on-one coaching and various coaching tiers to fit different budgets.

Alternatively, if you have a desire to help others in their healing journey, you can consider becoming an Ease Coach through the EASE Coach School, where you will learn effective methods to support and guide individuals towards personal growth and transformation.

Take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being. You deserve to be in healthy and nurturing relationships.

Categories: : Emotional Wellness, Heal, Life Coaching