Heal the father wound

Growing up without a strong male presence can have a profound impact on a child's development, affecting their personality, self-esteem, and relations

The father wound is a term used to describe the emotional pain caused by an absent, neglectful, or abusive father figure. Growing up without a strong male presence can have a profound impact on a child's development, affecting their personality, self-esteem, and relationships with others.

Instability and Insecurity

When a child grows up without a father figure, it can leave them feeling unsupported and insecure. Without a strong male role model to guide them, they may struggle with issues related to their sense of identity, self-worth, and confidence. This can have a negative impact on their root chakra, which is responsible for our sense of security, stability, and groundedness.

Forming Healthy Relationships Becomes Difficult

Growing up without a strong male presence can also impact an individual's ability to form healthy relationships in the future. Children who grow up without a father figure may struggle with developing healthy attachment styles and may be more vulnerable to emotional instability. This can result in a tendency to seek out unhealthy relationships or to struggle with maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships. In some cases, individuals may develop an avoidant attachment style, where they struggle to form close connections with others or may even distance themselves emotionally as a defense mechanism. Others may develop an anxious attachment style, where they crave closeness and connection but also fear abandonment and rejection. Understanding how your upbringing may have impacted your attachment style can be an important step in healing and developing healthy relationships.

Gives Rise To a Disturbed Population

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna speaks about the consequences of the varna sankara population, which refers to people born out of the intermingling of different castes, resulting in a mixed population without clear-cut familial lineage. In verses 1.40-1.42, Arjuna reasons that due to the war many men will die leaving many women alone without any protection. This would make the women open for exploitation and result inn a population of fatherless children.This will result in a population that is disturbed and unable to commit to a family. In the purport to these verses, Srila Prabhupada explains that the absence of fathers in society leads to the production of such varna sankara population, resulting in a society that is filled with people who are mentally disturbed leading the society to degradation. Such wounded children are incapable of being good fathers themselves and thus perpetrating the cycle. This population can lead to a decline in society, as they lack the necessary guidance and support to become responsible and contributing members of society.

Sadly, in the Western world, there are many children growing up without a father figure. According to statistics, over 20 million children in the United States alone are growing up in fatherless homes. This can have a significant impact on their emotional stability and growth, as well as their achievements as adults.

Let The Healing Begin

Fortunately, there are ways to heal the father wound and overcome the challenges that come with it. By acknowledging the pain caused by the absence of a father figure, we can begin to release negative emotions and beliefs associated with it.

Inner child work

One powerful tool for healing the father wound is inner child work. This involves connecting with the wounded child within and giving them the love, support, and guidance they may have missed out on as a child. By doing so, we can release the negative beliefs and patterns that have been holding us back and begin to develop a stronger sense of self and confidence. With our EASE 1:1 and group coaching you can find the support and coaching you need to do the difficult inner child work. You don't have to figure it out alone.

Positive male role models

It's also important to seek out positive male role models and mentors who can provide guidance and support. Whether it's through therapy, support groups, or personal connections, finding healthy male relationships can help to heal the father wound and provide a sense of belonging and support.

Connecting with our Divine Father - the Lord Himself

Spiritual healing of the father wound can also be achieved by connecting to our spiritual father, Lord Sri Krishna. Through meditation and prayer, one can find solace in His uninterrupted support and guidance. Lord Krishna is known as the Supreme Father who loves and cares for all living beings. By taking shelter in Him, we can feel a sense of security and love that may have been lacking in our relationship with our earthly father. Lord Krishna's love is unconditional and unending, and through devotion to Him, we can find healing and growth. By surrendering to Him, we can release any negative emotions or traumas associated with the father wound and open ourselves up to the possibility of a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with the Divine.

Examples from Scripture

It's important to note that growing up with a father wound doesn't mean that one has to live with it forever. Healing is possible, and there are numerous examples throughout history of individuals who have overcome their father wounds and gone on to lead happy, fulfilling lives while growing in their spirituality.

Dhruva Maharaj

One such example is that of Dhruva Maharaj from the ancient Vedic scriptures. Dhruva's father did not say anything when Dhruva Maharaja's step mother did allow him to sit on his lap. He was not so wounded by his step- mother's harsh words, but he was hurt really deeply by his father not doing anything in that situation.  However armed with his mother's nurturing and love, instead of allowing this experience to define him, the 5 year old Dhruva channeled his anger and frustration into a meditation practice. Following the advice of the sage Narada Muni, Dhruva went deep within himself and in his connection the Supreme Father Lord Vishnu and eventually achieved a state of enlightenment, completely healing himself in the process. Dhruva's story serves as a powerful reminder that healing from a father wound is possible and that it is never too late to start the journey towards inner peace and fulfillment.

The Pandavas

Another example of individuals who grew up without a father figure but still overcame the father wound are the Pandavas from the Hindu epic Mahabharata. The Pandavas grew up without a father's guidance, as their father Pandu had died at a young age. Despite this, the Pandavas were emotionally independent and strongly connected to each other. They also had a strong devotion and surrender to Lord Krishna, which helped them to navigate the challenges they faced. Rather than playing the victim, they took ownership of their circumstances and used their inner strength to overcome adversity.

Despite growing up without their biological father, the Pandavas were not devoid of father figures in their lives. They maintained a strong relationship of respect and humility towards several strong male role models who gave them strength and affection. Bhishma Dev, the eldest member of the Kuru dynasty, acted as a father figure to them and imparted valuable life lessons. Vidura, their uncle, was a wise counselor and guided them on matters of ethics and morality. Dronacharya, their martial arts teacher, imparted crucial lessons on warfare and honor. Lastly, Dhaumya, their spiritual guide, helped them connect with their inner selves and their devotion to the Divine. These father figures played a significant role in shaping the Pandavas into the strong and emotionally stable individuals they became.

Despite their uncle Dhritarashtra being harmful towards them, the Pandavas did not feel like victims due to not having a nurturing father figure in their lives. Instead, they connected with the other strong father figures mentioned above, who gave them the love and guidance they needed to become emotionally independent, stable, and devoted to Lord Krishna. The Pandavas' story serves as an example of how healing from a father wound is possible, even if one did not have a nurturing father figure in their life, and how connecting with other positive role models and the Lord can make a significant impact on one's life.


In conclusion, the father wound is a real and impactful experience that affects many individuals in our society. By acknowledging its existence and seeking healing and support, we can overcome the challenges it presents and become more confident, grounded, and connected individuals. Let us strive to heal ourselves and our society by addressing this issue and providing the necessary support and guidance for those who need it. You can also signup for our EASE coaching programs here to get the support you need to heal yourself.


I also have a podcast on the topic that you can hear here:

Categories: : Personal Growth, Relationships