OMG2 , Masturbation, Eastern Wisdom and You

While contemporary thought champions masturbation as a natural aspect of human sexuality, ancient sciences present a contrasting viewpoint.

In the modern era, the topic of masturbation has taken on new dimensions with movies like "OMG2" advocating its normalcy and health benefits. However, delving into the wisdom of ancient vedic sciences reveals a different perspective. 

In this blogpost, we will explore the viewpoint of ancient teachings which emphasize the preservation of semen for vitality and brain health. 

OMG2-  A Movie With a Message

"OMG 2" has revitalized parent-child conversations, rekindling interest in Vedic sciences, offering insights into teenagers' lives, and underlining the importance of comprehensive sex education in schools. This thought-provoking film has encouraged parents to engage in open discussions, bridging generation gaps, and truly understanding their children. 

By referencing ancient wisdom, the movie has prompted a renewed exploration of cultural heritage. Its portrayal of teenagers resonates with parents and educators, fostering empathy and understanding.

Ultimately, "OMG 2" has spotlighted the necessity of inclusive sex education to guide adolescents through their journey of self-discovery, nurturing them emotionally as they navigate the rite of passage into adulthood.

Is Masturbation Healthy?

Masturbation, has been studied extensively, with scientific research revealing several points that contribute to its recognition as a healthy practice:

  1. Physical and Mental Well-Being: Numerous studies suggest that masturbation can have positive effects on physical and mental well-being. Research conducted by psychologists Michael Exton and Michael Wylie, published in the "Archives of Sexual Behavior" in 2001, found that masturbation led to increased levels of endorphins, contributing to enhanced mood and overall well-being1. This aligns with the work of Dr. Debby Herbenick, a renowned sexuality researcher, whose studies have shown that masturbation can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation2.
  2. Stress Reduction: Masturbation has been linked to stress reduction through the release of various neurochemicals, including oxytocin and dopamine. A study published in the "Psychoneuroendocrinology" journal in 2019 by Dr. Tierney Lorenz and her team found that masturbation led to the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with social bonding and stress reduction3. Similarly, Dr. Barry Komisaruk's research, as published in "The Journal of Sexual Medicine" in 2007, demonstrated that self-stimulation activates brain regions associated with pleasure and reward, further promoting stress relief4.
  3. Sexual Health and Exploration: Masturbation serves as a safe and natural way for individuals to explore their bodies, understand their sexual preferences, and become more attuned to their own desires. The work of Dr. Cindy Meston, a leading researcher in human sexuality, highlights how masturbation can help individuals develop a healthy relationship with their bodies and enhance sexual satisfaction5. Moreover, research conducted by Dr. Julia Heiman, published in "The Journal of Sexual Medicine" in 2011, indicates that self-stimulation is an integral component of sexual health and contributes to overall sexual well-being6.

On one hand we have extensive research supporting masturbation, while on the other we have Ayurveda and our scriptures that give a different view.

Lets delve into these perspectives.

What does Ayurveda say about the loss of semen?

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic medicine, the process of food absorption and transformation is intricately linked to the creation of various essential bodily elements. This process, known as "Agni," involves the stages of digestion, assimilation, and transformation, resulting in the sequential production of important substances.

  1. Starting with the digestion of food, known as "Ahara Rasa," it undergoes transformation in the stomach and intestines, resulting in the production of "Rasa Dhatu" or nutrient plasma. 
  2. This nourishing essence forms the basis for all bodily tissues. The successive stages of digestion give rise to "Rakta" or blood, responsible for nourishing the body and maintaining vitality.
  3. Following the creation of blood, the process progresses to "Mamsa Dhatu," the muscular tissue.
  4. Next in line is the "Asthi Dhatu," responsible for the formation of bones and skeletal structure.
  5. Subsequently, the transformation leads to "Majja Dhatu," which constitutes the bone marrow and is essential for the production of bone marrow and nerve tissues.
  6. Importantly, the journey of food absorption culminates in the creation of "Shukra Dhatu" or semen, which holds a central place in Ayurveda. At times, two distinct terms are used to describe the male and female seed. Shukra universally applies to sperm, but can also apply to the entire makeup of semen. Artava is the equivalent term used to mean ovum. However, artava also refers to the menstrual blood, a product of rasa dhatu. Thus, shukra is the best term to describe the factor that nourishes both the male and female reproductive tissues.
  7. The process of food transformation eventually culminates in the generation of "Ojas," often referred to as the vital essence. Ojas embodies strength, vitality, immunity, and overall well-being. It is considered the finest and most refined product of digestion, encapsulating the essence of all bodily tissues.

When the "Shukra Dhatu," or semen, is overused due to excessive activities such as masturbation, it can lead to an imbalance in the body's energy allocation. In Ayurvedic terms, the excessive release of semen can deplete the body of its vital energy, diverting it away from the production of the essential life force known as "Ojas."

The process of digestion and transformation is intricate, requiring considerable energy. When the body frequently expends energy through excessive sexual activities, it can disrupt the harmonious flow of nutrients and energy required for the formation of Ojas.

Ojas is considered the quintessential essence that sustains life, vitality, immunity, and overall well-being. It's the pinnacle product of the digestion and transformation process, representing the ultimate vitality fluid.

However, if energy is continuously directed towards the overproduction of semen due to excessive sexual activities, it can lead to a deficiency in Ojas. 

This imbalance can manifest as various physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, including fatigue, decreased immunity, emotional instability, and reduced overall vitality.

Ayurveda suggests that maintaining a balance in sexual activities is essential for preserving energy and ensuring the optimal formation of bodily substances. Moderation and mindful management of sexual energy can help prevent the depletion of Ojas and maintain the body's vital reserves.

Allegory from the Srimad Bhagavatam - Excessive sex gives an early invitation to old age

There is an extended allegory in the Fourth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. The main character in the allegory is Purañjana, who represents each of us – the spiritual being encased in a material body.

In the allegory there is a reference to the daughter of time Kalakanya, also known as Jara old age that attacks all of us.

She proposes to Narada Muni for marriage, but Narada Muni being an avowed brahmachari(celibate) refuses the proposal respectfully. 

In his commentary on Bhagavatam 4.27.21, Srila Prabhupada, a revered spiritual teacher,explains:

"The great sage Nārada Muni was a naiṣṭhika-brahmacārī — that is, he never had sex life. He was consequently an ever-green youth. Old age, jarā, could not attack him. The invalidity of old age can overcome an ordinary man, but Nārada Muni was different. Taking Nārada Muni to be an ordinary man, the daughter of Time confronted him with her lusty desire. It requires great strength to resist a woman’s attraction. It is difficult for old men, and what to speak of young. Those who live as brahmacārīs must follow in the footsteps of the great sage Nārada Muni, who never accepted the proposals of Jarā. Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jarā, and very soon their life span is shortened. Without utilizing the human form of life for Kṛṣṇa consciousness, the victims of jarā die very soon in this world.

Srila Prabhupada explains very clearly how sexual activity is an invitation to old age as it robs people of their youth.This is similar to what we learned about the physicality of increased masturbation and loss of ojas- the youth and vitality fluid in the body.

Further in the allegory, we read about about how Kalakanya, and her husband Prajvara -unrestricted desires travle around the world wreaking havoc in the lives of people. In his purport to this verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam 4.28.1 Srila Prabhupada further emphasizes:

"When a man is young, he does not care for old age but enjoys sex to the best of his satisfaction, not knowing that at the end of life his sexual indulgence will bring on various diseases, which so much disturb the body that one will pray for immediate death. The more one enjoys sex during youth, the more he suffers in old age."

Some can be celibates from birth like Narada muni, howveer for those who cannot, the path of marriage - regulated sex life is suggested.

Excessive sex life not only destroys one's focus in life, but also invites old age and diseases in one's life. Reduced ojas in the body also leads to depression, reduced mental ability to focus, emotional disregulation, loss of vitality and a lot more.

Yayati's Early Onset of Old Age

    Yayati was excessively addicted to sex. He was married to Devyani, Shukaracharya's daughter. However he had a sexual affair outside of marrriage with Sharmishtha.

    Shukracharya being enraged by his behavior cursed him to become old and invalid at once.

    Metaphorically, his excessive indulgence makes him old and invalid in an instant.

    Understanding Urdhvaretasah

    The ancient concept of "urdhvaretasah" has deep roots in traditional wisdom, suggesting that the conservation of semen is paramount for vitality and cognitive wellness. This highlights the connection between semen and a balanced life force -ojas, encouraging individuals to refrain from activities that may lead to its excessive loss.

    Urdhva- means upwards, retasah- semen. Those who practice celibacy are able to raise the semen towards the brain - nurturing it well and it helps them with increased focus, sharpness, alertness, youth and fast growth in their spiritual life

    These are unexplored concepts by science and not often discussed.

    The yogis practice urdhvaretsah as they care about their oersonal growth.

    Indulgence Does Not Cure the Desire

    In Yayati's case - he over indulged in sex, but it did not help him get over it. Shukracharya gave him a cop-out from the curse that he could exchange his old age with a youthful person. Yayati started searching for someone and eventually his youngest son Puru was happpy to do that. Yayati was so attached to sex that he was ready to transfer his old age to his son in exchange for youth so that he could enjoy sex unabated by being youthful again.

    Masturbation Takes You Away From Yourself

    Not only does it reduce ojas which reduces one's youthfulness, vitality, but masturbation affects one psychologically and physically in many ways.

    1. Reduced Concentration: Frequent masturbation might lead to temporary difficulties in maintaining focus on tasks due to mental preoccupation.
    2. Physical Fatigue: Overindulgence in masturbation can result in physical fatigue and decreased energy levels.
    3. Social Isolation: Excessive focus on masturbation can lead to social withdrawal and decreased participation in social activities.
    4. Disturbed Sleep: Masturbation close to bedtime might disrupt sleep patterns and lead to difficulties in falling asleep.
    5. Diminished Productivity: Excessive masturbation could potentially affect one's ability to manage time and complete tasks efficiently.
    6. Sexual Dysfunction: In some cases, frequent masturbation might contribute to sexual dysfunction, such as difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.
    7. Emotional Instability: Compulsive masturbation might lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or emotional distress.
    8. Relationship Strain: Overindulgence in masturbation could potentially impact intimacy and lead to relationship issues.
    9. Physical Discomfort: Aggressive or excessive stimulation during masturbation might result in physical discomfort or soreness.
    10. Distorted Body Image: Repeated focus on self-stimulation might lead to distorted body image perceptions or unrealistic sexual expectations.


    While movies like "OMG2" may celebrate masturbation as a healthy expression of sexuality, it's worth exploring the alternative viewpoint provided by ancient sciences. The principle of urdhvaretasah, principles from ayurveda, along with stories from our cultural heritage, invites us to reflect on the potential consequences of excessive indulgence. 

    The tales of Yayati and King Purnajana serve as cautionary tales of how excessive indulgence in sexual activity leads to a rapid decline in vitality both for men and women.

    How Can We Help?

    At EASE, we specialize in life coaching based on eastern wisdom and western psychology. We are able to serve our clients at a much deeper level than our peers and that leads to faster growth and transformation for them. If you are looking for coaching for yourself , check out my Self-Mastery Academy membership here


    1. Exton, M. S., & Wylie, K. (2001). Orgasmic- and ejaculatory-induced prolactin surges: A psychoneuroendocrine perspective. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 30(4), 369-380.
    2. Herbenick, D., Reece, M., Schick, V., Sanders, S. A., Dodge, B., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2011). Sexual behavior in the United States: Results from a national probability sample of men and women ages 14–94. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(S5), 255-265.
    3. Lorenz, T. K., Harte, C. B., Hamilton, L. D., & Meston, C. M. (2019). Evidence for a curvilinear relationship between sympathetic nervous system activation and women's physiological sexual arousal. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106, 71-76.
    4. Komisaruk, B. R., Wise, N., Frangos, E., Liu, W. C., Allen, K., & Brody, S. (2011). Women's clitoris, vagina, and cervix mapped on the sensory cortex: fMRI evidence. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(10), 2822-2830.
    5. Meston, C. M., & Trapnell, P. D. (2005). Development and validation of a five-factor sexual satisfaction and distress scale for women: The Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Women (SSS-W). The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2(1), 66-81.
    6. Heiman, J. R., Long, J. S., Smith, S. N., Fisher, W. A., Sand, M. S., & Rosen, R. C. (2011). Sexual satisfaction and relationship happiness in midlife and older couples in five countries. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(4), 741-753.
    7. Srimad Bhagavatam 4.27 and 4.28 - the allegorical story presented in the story of King Puranjana.
    8. Srimad Bhagavatam 9.18 ad 9.19 -the story of King Yayati

    Categories: : Personal Growth